The weight processor PW-310 for the weight batcher of continuous operation (DWL) ensures continuous batching of free-flowing and lump materials with the set capacity and indication of the current capacity, and also measuring and indication of mass of the transported material by the accruing total.
- measuring of speed of the conveyor belt moving by reception and handling of impulses from the belt speed sensor, included into the composition of the belt scales;
- generation of the signal of direct current (0-5), (0-20) or (4-20) mА, for control of the frequent converter;
- control of the external electromechanical counter of impulses, proportional to the accruing total of mass of the transported material with programmed "cost" of an impulse;
- discrete input and output signals of control and control of the frequent converter, shut-down of the DWL, execution of the set dose;
- measuring of the inclination angle of the conveyor for correction of evaluations depending on its changes in the operation process;
- input and output discrete signals of the mode of measuring of the belt weight;
- six- or four-wire connection of the load cell;
- simple calibration of the gear by exemplary weights, and with use of values mV/V of the transmitters;
- non-volatile memory for storage of the journal, totals, settings and real time clock;
- data transmission to peripherals by interface RS-485 or RS-232 with use of the protocol ModBus;
- distant control by interface RS-485 or RS-232 with use of the protocol ModBus;
- setting and control of the capacity by external currant signals (by means of the specialized portable terminal);
- use of wireless data transmission by means of the portable modem;
- the journal of totals (hour, shift, month, annual);
- the journal of events;
- built-in tests;
- indication of abnormal operation of the batcher (emergencies);
- password protection of settings;
- bilingual interface (Russian / English) of the user;
- possibility of loading of the software at the Customer for its renewal or the functionality change.
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